Our Vision:
Being the model technical education center that is highly recognized by both industry and academia.
Our Mission:
To collaborate closely with key industrial partners to (i) inspire and provide quality, hands-on training to students at Texas A&M University, (ii) collaborate with regional institutions on educational programs, and (iii) provide sound solution
to industrial problems.” The Haas Technical Education Center at Texas A&M University (HTEC-TAMU) started in 2002. Since then, the Center has received generous supports from Haas Automation, Gene Haas Foundation, Houston-based Haas Factory Outlet
Champion, Iscar Metals, Unist, Performance Micro Tool, Swiss Tek… On the annual basis, the HTEC-TAMU has been providing comprehensive projects to 90 senior students, fun lab exercises to 400 freshman/sophomore students, and motivating demonstrations
to more than 200 high school students visiting our Center. We also host instructors and teachers from middle/high schools and community colleges, and undergraduate students from other institutions during their summer research programs. Our Center
actively participates in the national HTEC conference and co-organizes regional HTEC conference every year to share educational practices as well as cutting-edge research results. Please contact us for collaborative opportunities.
Dr. Wayne N.P. Hung
HTEC-TAMU Director, Ex-HTEC President
MS 3367, ETID Dept
106 Fermier Hall
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843, USA
Tel: 979-845-4989
Fax: 979-862-7969
Email: hung@tamu.edu